Have you had your heavenly meal today?

I Samuel 3:18 He is Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes.

Just as we need earthly food to give our bodies strength, how much more do we need heavenly food to nourish our souls? If we only ate once a week, we would be severely malnourished and probably would not live long. The consequences would be great. Our soul is no different, it needs daily food to thrive. When we deprive ourselves of earthly food, we starve, and when that intense starvation is present, we are weak, and when we are weak we will grab hold of just about anything to put in our bellies even if it’s not healthy or remotely good for us. Our spiritual state is the same, if we are not being nourished consistently in God’s word, and simply feasting on Jesus, the one who fully satisfies, then we will begin to starve, and become weak, and when the trial or temptation comes how do you think we will stand? We can stand strong in the face of adversity or temptation by staying satisfied in Jesus. He will give us the confidence and strength to say “He is Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes.”

I have found that it is easy to get steered off from reading the Bible and I want to fix that. I want to be full of Jesus and if I neglect time in His word and prayer I will starve.

My prayer: Lord, fill me up so that I can know more of you and in return share Jesus with those around me. Nourish my soul so that I have the strength to stand in adversity and temptation and so that I may be able to give of myself as you gave yourself up for me. In jesus name! Amen!

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